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Watermelon Fan

Keywords: reach and grasp, elbow extension/flexion, visual stimulation, wrist rotation Materials: paper plate cut in half, markers or...

Fork Painted Sunflowers

Keywords: HOH assist, reach and grasp, bilateral coordination, visual stimulation Materials: plastic fork, paint (yellow, brown/orange,...

Tape Resist Egg

Keywords: visual stimulation, reach and grasp, crossing midline, pincer grasp Materials: Cardboard or card stock cut into a large egg...

Lincoln Log House

Keywords: reach and grasp, crossing midline, bilateral coordination, tactile stimulation, visual stimulation Materials: Popsicle sticks,...

3-D Christmas Tree

Keywords: visual stimulation, tactile stimulation, HOH assist, reach and grasp, midline orientation, bilateral coordination, pincer...

Paper Towel Reveal

Keywords: visual stimulation, decision making, reach and grasp, hand strengthening Materials: Paper towel folded in half or napkin,...

Occupational Therapy: Fake Snow

Keywords: sensory play, tactile stimulation, reach and grasp, wrist rotation, hand and upper extremity strengthening Materials: baking...

Activities: Blog2
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