Keywords: finger isolation, tactile stimulation, reach, visual stimulation
Materials: orange paint, paper, green string/pipe cleaner or green marker
Directions: Have clients stamp 3 fingers in a row to make a carrot shape (see picture). You can use 3 different fingers and talk about larger to smaller circles, or use the same finger but differing amounts of paint. Create a couple of carrots on your page and draw in the green carrot tops. If you choose to use string or pipecleaner, trim a few short pieces and glue them on.
This activity provides plenty of opportunities to practice finger isolation. It encourages interaction with paint/tactile stimulation and active movements to reach and stamp on the page. It gives visual stimulation for clients to see colors appear after stamping as well as to note size comparisons, seeing larger and smaller stamps. This activity celebrates spring and gardening, as flowers and produce bloom during this time.