Keywords: hand eye coordination, bilateral hand use, sequencing skills, spatial and visual perception, HOH assist, finger isolation, grasp
Materials: Printer paper/white construction paper, or printout templates attached, scissors
Directions: Fold in a diagonal to create a square and trim off the extra strip. Keep it folded in half to make a triangle, and fold that triangle in half again to make a smaller triangle. Fold this smaller triangle into thirds as much as possible (bring the right corner towards the left and the left towards the right over that - you can consult the template and the video). Cut off the pointy ends to leave a small triangle (isosceles shape). Then cut along the pattern or create your own, unfold it and flatten it out. You can decorate the client’s rooms by taping it to the walls or windows.
This activity involves folding paper, which is often overlooked for its educational/therapeutic benefits. It helps with hand eye coordination, bilateral hand use, develops sequencing skills, and spatial and visual perception. It encourages clients to tolerate HOH assist to fold the paper, finger isolation to smooth out the lines. If they are able to tolerate HOH assist to cut the patterns, it helps with grasp and voluntary opening and closing of palms. The end product is visually stunning as well.