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  • ENCORE Day Program

Thumbprint Bugs

Keywords: finger isolation, decision making, crossing midline, elbow extension, tactile stimulation, visual stimulation

Materials: paper, paint or stamp pad, markers

Directions: Have clients stamp their thumb or fingerprints in various colors around the paper. Add small details to make them into garden bugs (such as red fingerprint with black spots for a ladybug, yellow fingerprint and black stripes for a bee, a series of green fingerprints for a caterpillar).

This activity is helpful for finger isolation as clients will need to isolate one finger at a time to stamp across the page. It encourages decision making to select colors and placement, as well as elbow extension and crossing midline to do so. It also provides tactile stimulation to have the wet paint or stamp pad on the tips of their fingers, and visual stimulation and creativity will be part of the activity.

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